I was called and emotional cripple.

R.E.C.A Recovering Emotional Challege Association


God knows we have all suffered and or experienced an emotional situation. Be it imposed by our surroundings, family, relationships, or self nurtured, by thinking we may not have an escape-or release. RECA-gnize, act, and reap from our experiences. Emotions come and go, and we can control and direct our emotions. This will lead us to a level of comfort, therefore, leaving our life-path open to experience more situations, that will happen.

 Become a member of the Recovering Emotional Comfort Action today in this step of the future. Become part of commonly acknowledging R.E.C.A. as the last word of our twentieth century, and the newest idea of the twenty-first century, helping ourselves under emotional stress. I'm a RECA and so are you. He's a RECA and she is too. What a RECA is that you?

 Here are the four levels that you will RECA-gnize:

LEVEL FOUR- we function, live, play, and work in our every day environment. Then comes LEVEL THREE- Mondays are a good example. Maybe things are just not going as well as we would wish. A bad hair day, you just lost your wallet, or you were just yelled at by your boss! LEVEL TWO- things are quite more drastic. You are being assaulted emotionally! Personal relationships are in turmoil. You were just called a freak! LEVEL ONE- Get professional help.

Friends; It's that simple, where simplicity has its purpose.

 Dear Network Members: R.E.C.A. 2000 the Recovering Emotional Comfort Action is a very serious group of networking friends in one respect, emotions are real, they are serious, and it is not a situation to take lightly when affecting someones life. The objective of RECA is to make this situation part of our life by viewing this part of life with a sense of humor, making such, a part of life a bit lighter to handle. By no means does RECA promote any kind of formal therapy of any kind other than laughter and camaraderie. These more positive feelings can be achieved in many ways on a day-to-day basis as long as we are open to share our ups and downs with networking friends, and by realizing we are not alone, especially as a member. Email talktoarec@yahoo.com. Let me know what level you feel you are experiencing today. All levels are just as OK as we are. Just remember We're Hear for You.

Charter members already exist in many locations including the Caribbean(founding land), the United States including Hawaii, and some European contacts as well.
talktoarec@yahoo.com for more information. Let's have fun and purpose. With your help we will continue to succeed.

  • email talktoarec@yahoo.com
  • How about your suggestions?
  • Emotional support.......ice cream. By the way, RECA's flavor is always Rocky Road. Our reality can be what we want to make of it. Ice cream can be a mess if you let it or a delight to enjoy. You are not alone on the rocky road.
  • Emotional support is the sport. "Unchain the brain". Breathe in the new life and RECANNECT.

Just today as most days RECA is part of my voccabulary.
I'm a little reca today for example. That means you may be having a good and bad day. Surfing the levels.
Or, well I'm a low level three meaning things are good but not just terrific. Level four? If you are level four write to me. Just click and write , we at RECA want to know. Email talktoarec@yahoo.com Please be good to youreself and others. Always compliment and support your fellow person.
Have a RECA Day.